วันจันทร์ที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2556

MTP USB Device Driver Problem in Windows 7 X64 Iphone Samsung

I had the same iss - it's a known issue whereby Windows attempts to use the wrong driver to access the phone.

BACK UP YOUR REGISTRY!!! Editing the registry can be (read: IS) dangerous and can cause no end of pain if done incorrectly.

- To Back Up your Registry: Click Start menu and click "Run". Type "regedit". Click File, then choose export and type "iphone driver fix registry backup".
- Click Export and let it export the the registry to a file.

- To fix the issue: Follow the folder tree on the left to: hkeylocalmachine > system > current control set > control > class
- Find “{EEC5AD98-8080-425F-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}” down the LEFT hand side and click on it.
- Under the list on the RIGHT hand side find "UpperFilters"
- Right-Click UpperFilters and click delete
- Close the registry editor and restart your PC (without the iphone attached).
- Once restarted and logged back in, plug in your iphone and voila!  Windows will actually choose the correct driver and you'll be in like flynn.

แก้ปัญหา Iphone Ipod ไม่พบไดร์เวอร์  ลบ Key Registry UpperFilters

